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Message started by flaming_bunny on Jun 21st, 2004 at 6:35pm

Title: i made my own snood!
Post by flaming_bunny on Jun 21st, 2004 at 6:35pm
yay me! my first attempt and it well really well! i cut up an old dress for it....gorgeous deep blue with ghostly pale blue roses. yay im so pleased with myself!  ;D

Title: Re: i made my own snood!
Post by Kate on Jun 21st, 2004 at 6:52pm
Ooooo! Pictures! Pictures! I've never worn a snood, I'm sure you could hide a multitude of sins under one!  ;)


Title: Re: i made my own snood!
Post by Finchquilts on Jul 5th, 2004 at 12:24am
Please tell us how you made it.  Would love to try it.

Title: Re: i made my own snood!
Post by flaming_bunny on Jul 5th, 2004 at 10:39am
Rapunzel gave me this link a while ago


its reeeeally easy......just make two 'U' shapes and attach them to a band of fabric which goes around your head (like an alice band).....the instructions on the link are easy to follow...goodluck!

Title: Re: i made my own snood!
Post by Anne-Marie on Jul 6th, 2004 at 6:54am
Interesting- do you know if it holds all by itself,or do you have to use extra pins to fasten it?

Title: Re: i made my own snood!
Post by flaming_bunny on Jul 6th, 2004 at 11:57am
i made the 'head band' bit at the front a bit smaller than my head so the slighty stretchy fabric i used would hold on....although mine does slip off if i wear it at night so maybe a few pins would be a good idea whilst sleeping.

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