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Chit Chat >> Letting Your Hair Down >> Congratulations Anne-Marie!

Message started by bikerbraid on Jun 15th, 2004 at 6:56pm

Title: Congratulations Anne-Marie!
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 15th, 2004 at 6:56pm
Congratulations on reaching the Diamond level (over 250 posts)!  I enjoy reading your posts and hope to see many, many more.

E. is not far behind and hopefully will soon join the Diamond ranks as well!

Title: Re: Congratulations Anne-Marie!
Post by Anne-Marie on Jun 16th, 2004 at 12:58pm
Oh,that's great,thank you :D :D :D  Wow,Diamond level,now on to the next one  ;D ;D
Although I might be a bit tied up in the next few days,my cat is just having kittens!!

Title: Re: Congratulations Anne-Marie!
Post by bikerbraid on Jun 16th, 2004 at 1:28pm
KITTENS!!!! How darling.  I've never had that experience, however I have helped with puppies many times (used to breed German Shorthairs), and even helped deliver a calf once.

You must let us know all about the kittens as soon as convenient.

Title: Re: Congratulations Anne-Marie!
Post by Anne-Marie on Jun 16th, 2004 at 2:27pm
So far one little girl/boy is here and all is going well.He/she is very adorable,half Maine-Coon (don't know who the father is  ;D )  with stripes and a white tail-tip and paws .

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