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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Desperately need help SOON

Message started by elbe on May 12th, 2004 at 2:25pm

Title: Desperately need help SOON
Post by elbe on May 12th, 2004 at 2:25pm
???   I have a disaster.  Colorist got my hair to what she called streaked blond, I called orange/red.

I used color remover - got lots of bad orange/yellow/red out, but still too orangey.

Then, used L'Oreal Couleur Expert 7.1, dark ash blonde, multi-tonal.  This was OK, until I added the highlights, now its back to orangey, yellowy again...maybe more so.

I am striving for cool, ash, light brown - blond, with some highlights.  My natural color is a sort of non-descript mousy brown.  Takes color well, but does "take on orange" as the colorists have said.

What can I do now?  

I do a test color on snippits of hair before going for the whole head.  

I am leaning toward doing the 7.1 again, and skipping the highlights, or L'Oreal Superior Preference 8A ash blond.  The test of the 7.1 without highlights now looks a bit dark, the 8A seems OK, but I really think I should get some advice.

My hair condition is really very good.  But I don't want to push it.

PLEASE, please, someone give me some advice.  post here, or email me:  LB@LI.com

Title: Re: Desperately need help SOON
Post by elbe on May 12th, 2004 at 2:26pm
ps:  sorry its me, elbe again.

Can I use "blueing" like blueing for laundry to offset orange?

Title: Re: Desperately need help SOON
Post by bikerbraid on May 12th, 2004 at 6:45pm
Sorry, I don't have much experience with hair coloring.  I wish you luck in resolving your color issues.

Title: Re: Desperately need help SOON
Post by noelkara on May 13th, 2004 at 9:48am
It sounds like the highlights you got just pulled the pigment out and left you with orange. Yuck.
Potential damage aside, I'd go over it with the ash again, and if you want highlights, get one that adds color instead of just bleaching your dark brown hair. I think those color strands highlights come in a shade for darker hair. You might try that. I looked at the website and you can enter in your color and it will recommend the highlighting shade that will work on your hair. Or you coudl just go over the whole head with a semi-permanent ash color and leave it at that. You will still probably have lighter streaks where it is highlighted but it will tone down the orange.
You could also find a new stylist to help you.
I don't know about using blueing. That might be a bigger disaster in the making.

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