LongLocks Salon
Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> brittle, crunchy ends

Message started by Anais Satin on May 6th, 2004 at 7:18pm

Title: brittle, crunchy ends
Post by Anais Satin on May 6th, 2004 at 7:18pm
Hi Everyone

Does anyone get brittle, crunchy ends after using jojoba oil? It surprises me that this should happen, especially when it softens skin so much.
I am using normal Neutrogena shampoo and rinseout conditioner; and oiling with unrefined but filtered, golden jojoba oil (simmondsia chinensis), expeller pressed with no solvents.

Does jojoba oil react with certain silicones? Does the brittleness go away? Anyone else share my problem?


Title: Re: brittle, crunchy ends
Post by bikerbraid on May 6th, 2004 at 7:59pm
Crunchy ends can be caused by a number of different things.  I'd suggest doing a vinegar rinse to clarify your hair and see if that resolves the crunchiness.  

The vinegar rinse will remove any product buildup that could be suffocating your hair and causing the crunchies.

Title: vinegar rinses
Post by Anais Satin on May 6th, 2004 at 8:59pm
Hi Bikerbraid,

Wow, thanks for your vinegar rinse suggestion...
So what's a typical ratio for dilution? I've never tried this before.

Do these rinses lighten hair at all? Are there certain vinegars that do or do not? I don't want my dark hair to change color.

...so many questions about hair... looks like this will be a very long binge.


Title: Re: brittle, crunchy ends
Post by bikerbraid on May 6th, 2004 at 11:04pm
I have dark blonde hair and use apple cider vinegar.  I've never noticed any change in the color of my hair.

The ratio of vinegar to water is not an exact science.  I pour about a 1/4 cup of vinegar into a plastic bottle and fill the bottle with water (the bottle is a bit over 1 liter I think).  (My hair is past my waist, for shorter hair less could be used).

I use the rinse after I shampoo and before I condition.

Give this a try and see if it helps!  :D

Title: Re: brittle, crunchy ends
Post by Anais Satin on May 7th, 2004 at 10:14pm

I just did a vinegar rinse this morning and my hair feels fantastic; the ends aren't a tangled mess anymore. Thanks so much, Bikerbraid.


Title: Re: brittle, crunchy ends
Post by bikerbraid on May 8th, 2004 at 4:35am
Glad it helped!   :D

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