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Hairstyles and Styling >> Hair Care Product Reviews >> help on oils for hair?

Message started by gngirl on Apr 11th, 2004 at 7:38pm

Title: help on oils for hair?
Post by gngirl on Apr 11th, 2004 at 7:38pm
Ok, I'm sure buy now everybody can see I'm a hair product junkie.  Any how, my hair is to the middle of my back and I would like to know how to use oils and what is the best to use on hair.  My hair is dry at the ends but over all in good condition, I have never used oils before and need advice on how to use them. ??? ???

Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by flaming_bunny on Apr 11th, 2004 at 8:52pm

this has a good explanation of oiling...happy oiling (its wonderful!)  :)

Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by gngirl on Apr 11th, 2004 at 9:37pm
Thank you flaming_bunny  :).  What is the best oil to use? I hear jojoba oil and almond oil are really good, like I said my ends are dry and I have wave to my hair.  I don't know if I should add oil to shampoo or put in dry hair, I'm new to this and just want to keep my hair healthy looking.  Thanks again.

Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 11th, 2004 at 9:48pm
I use jojoba oil on my hair.  I have fine hair and jojoba is a lighter oil that doesn't leave me looking or feeling oily.  I oil my hair dry at night before I braid my hair for the night.  By morning, I have soft hair and the oil has been absorbed.

Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by gngirl on Apr 12th, 2004 at 5:31am
Thank you so much! By the way bikerbraid,my brother is a big biker also thats all he thinks about, I'm thinking about getting into it myself.  Thanks again for your help :).

Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 12th, 2004 at 1:49pm
Glad to help out.  I'm hoping to get out on the bicycle trails this week - assuming it doesn't try to snow again!

Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by Kate on Aug 12th, 2004 at 8:55am
Does anyone have any experience using pure almond oil on their hair? I have tried it a few times but thought my hair became a bit greasy. Maybe I should put it in my conditioner?


P.S. Jojoba oil costs $12 a bottle here, almond costs $3. It's a no-brainer. ;-)

Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by Anais Satin on Aug 12th, 2004 at 3:56pm
I've heard that macadamia nut oil is a slightly cheaper substitute for jojoba. Apparently they're very similar... it's just that macadamia nut oil is hard to find.


Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by Irapunzel on Oct 12th, 2004 at 12:57am
:)  Hello, I a new to this board.  I have been using Wild Growth Hair Oil.  Has anyone heard of it?  Been using it too?  Okay here is their website I have been using to inform myself with.  www.wildgrowth.com


Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by Anais Satin on Oct 12th, 2004 at 1:07am
Their site looks unprofessional to me, but that's just my personal opinion. What results have you gotten with their product? IMO, I think a good healthy diet and vitamins will get you farther than an externally-applied substance.


Title: Re: help on oils for hair?
Post by bikerbraid on Oct 12th, 2004 at 10:26am

wrote on Oct 12th, 2004 at 12:57am:
:)  Hello, I a new to this board.  I have been using Wild Growth Hair Oil.  Has anyone heard of it?  Been using it too?  Okay here is their website I have been using to inform myself with.  www.wildgrowth.com



I've not heard of this product.  Does it list the ingredients on the bottle?  I'd be curious to know what it contains.  The web site does not list what is in it.

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