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Message started by flaming_bunny on Apr 9th, 2004 at 4:50pm

Title: braid thickness
Post by flaming_bunny on Apr 9th, 2004 at 4:50pm
when i braid my hair it starts off nice and thick (well..as thick as can be expected with fine hair..but im happy  :) ) but as the braid goes down it gets thinner...im not worried about it but i was wondering if anyone else's does this?  :P

Title: Re: braid thickness
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 9th, 2004 at 4:55pm
Unless you are regularly trimming your hair, your braid will gradually become thinner.  The reason is, all of your hair is never the same length.  You will always have some hair that is still growing, then it falls out and is replaced with a new growing hair.  

People who have braids that appear to be the same thickness to the ends, typically have been trimming their hair to keep it at a specific length (and I would guess they have been doing this for years).  This allows a higher percentage of the hairs to get to the same length before falling out.

Title: Re: braid thickness
Post by flaming_bunny on Apr 9th, 2004 at 4:59pm
aha!  :) thanks for the info bikerbraid  :-*  :)

Title: Re: braid thickness
Post by bikerbraid on Apr 9th, 2004 at 5:31pm
Glad to explain it to you.  Funny that you asked today.... I had braided my hair into 2 braids and wrapped them around my head this morning.  As I was braiding to the very ends, I was thinking, maybe it is time to start trimming to keep my hair at its current length and let it thicken up a bit.

Title: Re: braid thickness
Post by flaming_bunny on Apr 10th, 2004 at 3:03pm
thats what ive been thinking of doing! i want my hair to be thicker at the ends before i grow it longer so ive been trimming a *little* bit off every few months...it may be working...not sure yet as not much has come off!

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