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Chit Chat >> Ask LongLocks >> Should hair be all one length? http://www.longlocks.com/salon/?num=1070233450 Message started by Eowyn on Dec 1st, 2003 at 12:04am |
Title: Should hair be all one length? Post by Eowyn on Dec 1st, 2003 at 12:04am
Hi! I love your website. :) I have long, thick, fine, wavy hair (it actually looks like Eowyn's hair in the "Lord Of The Rings" movie but not that long!) I cut it in layers with bangs, since the waves and curls come out more. I am interested in growing my hair a lot longer. I've been reading on a lot of hair sites that you should have your hair in one length if you want it to grow long, or you are stunting it's growth. Do you think that's true? It's sounds a little strange to me why that would make a difference.
Title: Re: Should hair be all one length? Post by Rapunzel on Dec 1st, 2003 at 10:59am
No, of course your hair doesn't have to be one length to grow it long. If you're lucky enough to have a thick head of curls, having layers just might make it easier to tame while reaching a long length until the weight straightens it out a bit as often happens with wavy hair. As long as all the layers are kept in good condition, you shoujldn't have any trouble keeping them through the growing process :)
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