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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> Need some Advice, please!

Message started by Dyann on Jul 28th, 2003 at 11:44am

Title: Need some Advice, please!
Post by Dyann on Jul 28th, 2003 at 11:44am
This past Saturday, I went to a salon to have my hair colored primarily to cover up gray.  I wanted my hair color, which is light brown, to stay the same or go slightly darker.  What I got was several shades lighter with a reddish cast especially in bright light....definintely NOT what I was looking for!!!  :o

In my desperation to find information that might help me, I found this site with a recipe for darkening hair using coffee.  Can anyone tell me if this would be safe to use on newly colored hair?  How often it would have to be applied? (I shampoo my hair everyday).  Can it be taken out if I don't like the results?

Please, if anyone can suggest anything that I can do to tone my hair down I would very much appreciate it.  I am looking for safe and natural alternatives. I don't want to go back to the salon and have more chemicals put in it.  

Thank You,
Dyann M.
Central Arkansas

Title: Re: Need some Advice, please!
Post by sweet_violet on Jul 28th, 2003 at 12:24pm

Welcome to the board.  I haven't been here very long either, but I've learned a lot already.  Sorry to hear about your experience.  

The coffee recipe is only temporary.  It washes out quickly depending on your hair type, color and condition.  It washed out in 2 shampoos for me.  Since you just colored your hair, it may stay a bit longer for you...  since your cuticles have been opened.

Another note:  I didn't put the lemon juice in my recipe... because it can be drying for me.  I used just straight coffee.   ;)

Hope this helps.

Sweet Violet

Title: Re: Need some Advice, please!
Post by Rapunzel on Jul 28th, 2003 at 6:19pm
I would be cautious about using anything on newly colored hair.  I'd wait a week or two and several shampoos before using the coffee.  

The coffee is temporary and will wash out quickly; however, it should be safe to use as often as you like once your cuticle is closed.  I'd do a lot of conditioning since you've already put your hair through the harsh dying chemicals, though.

Learn to love your gray, some of us would love to have it!

Title: Re: Need some Advice, please!
Post by Dyann on Jul 28th, 2003 at 7:49pm
Thanks for your responses!

My first impulse was to go back to the salon and ask that they somehow "fix it" but after thinking it over today, I've decided to deal with it with the help of this wonderful website and not subject my hair to anymore abuse.

The color is not downright hideous so I can live with it, but it's out of my comfort zone and I feel very self conscious, even though I've had several compliments today at work.  I'll wait a few weeks and try the coffee trick to maybe tone the color down a bit.

I've had long hair most of my adult life (I just turned 50) and have no intention of cutting it.

Thanks again for your help and encouragement!  Just finding this site made me feel a whole lot better.


Title: Re: Need some Advice, please!
Post by Sunny on Jul 31st, 2003 at 5:12pm
 :) Frist you need to get a drabber at a hair care salon store,a drabber is something you use to get red tones out of the hair. Ask the person at the salon store about this and how to use it for your need. Doing your hair darker will not get the red tones out,it will just be darker with red tones.You may want to go to another salon and have it done right! you must not use  any color with gold tones or ash..gold tones in color will add red tones to your hair..ash may turn it green,really, stay away from these,the only other thing is to remove the hair color all together with hair color remover you can buy at the hair care store.but this is damaging to the hair..and would need some deep conditioning..and then use a drabber..to get red tones down and hopefully all out after you use this. Then      use the hair color you choose..but best to go to a good salon and feel right about the color that is on your head..and have what color you want..good luck!  :) Sunny

Title: Re: Need some Advice, please!
Post by lindaljh1 on Aug 30th, 2003 at 12:40am
Yesterday I found myself again!!!

I had let my hair go grey and let my bangs grow out.  I thought I'd love being grey. I also needed a hairstyle that wasn't 30 years old (that's what the magazines say).  I was wrong!  

I had a reverse weave done, where they dye every other strand of hair so it blends nicely with your natural color.  I went 2 shades lighter than my natural youthful color, which was quite a bit darker than my grey hair, and it turned out beautifully!  The grey hairs that were left undyed sparkle in the sun and I feel wonderful.

I also had them cut me some new bangs.  It is so nice to look in the mirror and see myself looking back.  My husband loves the idea that I once again look like his wife and not like his mother.  I hadn't realized how much my grey hair had bothered both of us until I returned to "normal".

They used a semi-permanent dye so it will slowly wash out with no root problem and hopefully no damage to my hair.  It feels wonderful and there is no dye smell like hair color use to have.  

Love & Prayers,

Title: Re: Need some Advice, please!
Post by bikerbraid on Aug 30th, 2003 at 2:49pm
Glad to hear you are happy with your hair again.   :)

Title: Re: Need some Advice, please!
Post by lindaljh1 on Aug 30th, 2003 at 4:01pm
Now I'm looking for some fake raspberry hair pieces LOL!!!

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