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Hair Care >> Long Hair Care >> help with oily hair

Message started by rainbowgirl on Jun 30th, 2003 at 9:18pm

Title: help with oily hair
Post by rainbowgirl on Jun 30th, 2003 at 9:18pm
I'm so glad I found this message board maybe I can get my hair fixed! I moved from the midwest to the pacific northwest a few months ago and I noticed since I've moved my hair gets oily very quickly, a day after I wash it.  I know it makes me look horrible, but I don't know what to do. I dont' know if it's the change in climate or because my diet is terrible or what and I have no idea how to fix it.  It affects my attitude because I know I look bad. Any advice?? :'(

Title: Re: help with oily hair
Post by Rapunzel on Jul 1st, 2003 at 1:38am
It may be the softness of your water.  Do you condition your hair?  If your water is very soft, you may not need to condition it as much anymore.

Title: Re: help with oily hair
Post by leia on Jul 1st, 2003 at 4:25am
It isn't really all that bad to wash your hair every day. Hair loves moisture! If it makes you feel better, you can just do a CO wash in between washes and that will definitely not harm your hair.

Also, did you just recently stop washing your hair often? This happens to everyone when they lengthen the amount of time between washes. If you have, just give your hair some time to adjust.

And it just might be that you have oily hair! You can get oily hair shampoos, but if you do, I'd recommend doing only a CWC wash so that the shampoo doesn't dry out the rest of your hair.

Title: Re: help with oily hair
Post by Hippychik on Jul 31st, 2003 at 9:55pm
You can also do a "topwash", just stick your head under the faucet and scrub the roots while a scrunchie or a friend holds your ends back. This is good if you have dry ends or don't have time to dry all your hair. Of course, your hair would need to be of about mid-back or longer to do this effectively. You can also brush cornstarch through your hair if you really need a quick fix.

Title: Re: help with oily hair
Post by drummergirl08 on Jan 21st, 2004 at 4:26am
baby powder rubbed into your hair also makes it less oily

Title: Re: help with oily hair
Post by Lady_Godiva on Mar 26th, 2004 at 5:38pm
I do not recommend daily washing, even for oily hair.  Instead, try a scalp wash.  This is particularly useful if your hair is quite long.  I simply take down my updo and place it in a plastic bag that my hubby holds, then I wash my scalp and rinse.  It's very simple, and I don't even need conditioner, as this is what I do most of the time, so it's a cost-cutter, too!  :D

Jennifer Eve

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