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Hair Care >> Hair Coloring >> New color for my hair?

Message started by E. on Dec 26th, 2002 at 8:29pm

Title: New color for my hair?
Post by E. on Dec 26th, 2002 at 8:29pm
My hair is actual dark blond what is a little expressionless color so I used to tint it into auburn (sometimes more red and sometimes more brown) für many years. Auburn goes very well with my green eyes and pale skin so that people who did not know me before tinting my hair really think it is my nature color of hair and people who know me for a long time have forgotten the dark blond  8)
Sometimes I question what effect it would take to dye my hair in a color which does not look naturally. Has somebody experiences with hair colors that changed their outer appearance dramatically?

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by Rapunzel on Dec 27th, 2002 at 7:11pm
My hair has been about every color under the sun; however, I have fair skin and hazel eyes so I've been able to successfully get away with them all.  When I was younger, my hair was dark reddish blonde and I would use Summer Blonde on it to lighten it.  Then I went through a brunette stage for a few years before letting it grow out.  When it did, I discovered my natural hair color had darkened to a reddish brown.  Now I ocassionally put an auburn or dark brunette rinse in it but don't use anything that contains peroxide.

I think if you have some physical characteristics that are commonly found with certain haircolors, you can get away with it even if it's not your natural color (like light eyes and light hair or fair skin and red hair).  It's when people try to really push the extreme that it looks unnatural (blonde hair with dark eyes and skin, for instance).  Let's not forget tho, that unnatural can sometimes look pretty kewl, like Shakira's hair for instance!

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by sweet_violet on Jul 10th, 2003 at 3:57pm
What is the name of the Auburn or Dark Brunette Rinse you use?  How long does it last?

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by Rapunzel on Jul 11th, 2003 at 5:34am
Oh, I've used everything from Loving Care to henna to coffee as long as it doesn't have *any* peroxide in it.  Staying power depends on how often you do it and how often you wash your hair, but nothing without peroxide lasts long.  Depending on the method you use, you can sometimes add some to your every day conditioner to make the color last longer.

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by leia on Jul 11th, 2003 at 11:18am

Lemon is drying for the hair, right? Since my hair tends to be dryish in this weather, I wouldn't want to mix that into the coffee. Do you have any specific instructions for the coffee rinse?

By the way, love the new animated emoticons!!  ::)

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by Rapunzel on Jul 11th, 2003 at 12:15pm
Yes, lemon can be drying, and it can also lighten your hair if you apply it and sit in the sun.  I just use the coffee the same as the directions in the Hair Care Recipes Cookbook:


Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by leia on Jul 12th, 2003 at 3:20am
Thanks for referring me to the recipe - I hadn't noticed it there before. Has this worked well for you?

Also I have one more question. Can you condition after the final rinse of coffee? Because I can't comb through my hair unless I've conditioned it.

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by Rapunzel on Jul 12th, 2003 at 1:01pm
Why don't you just use the coffee to rinse out your conditioner? ;)

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by sweet_violet on Jul 12th, 2003 at 2:40pm
These recipes look fun.  I ran out and bought some coffee...  ;D

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by leia on Jul 13th, 2003 at 2:55am

wrote on Jul 12th, 2003 at 1:01pm:
Why don't you just use the coffee to rinse out your conditioner? ;)

Good idea! Thanks Rapunzel  :)

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by noelkara on Apr 21st, 2004 at 8:35pm
What is the Loving Care like? Are the colors nice? It has no ammonia?

wrote on Jul 11th, 2003 at 5:34am:
Oh, I've used everything from Loving Care to henna to coffee as long as it doesn't have *any* peroxide in it.  Staying power depends on how often you do it and how often you wash your hair, but nothing without peroxide lasts long.  Depending on the method you use, you can sometimes add some to your every day conditioner to make the color last longer.

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by Rapunzel on Apr 21st, 2004 at 9:11pm
I *love* Loving Care but I think it is being discontinued in favor of the "low peroxide" types of dye, as there are very few colors available anymore.  Very unfortunate for those of us who refuse to dye our hair with any kind of peroxide products.  Loving Care was a great way to temporarily switch between auburn and brown for fun without fearing any damage whatsoever.

Title: Re: New color for my hair?
Post by noelkara on Apr 22nd, 2004 at 4:53am
Yeah, I went to the website to see what kind of colors there were and they were kind of "transitioning" to the natural instincts stuff. I've used that before, and it's ok. I thought I would try Loving Care because it is even more temporary and hence, probably less damaging.

Maybe I can find a color I like that is still being marketed.


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