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Chit Chat >> Hair and Society >> Hair in ancient Arabia

Message started by E. on Dec 23rd, 2002 at 9:27am

Title: Hair in ancient Arabia
Post by E. on Dec 23rd, 2002 at 9:27am
This morning I read this poems from ancient Arabia (they were not the  only one but short enough to translate them quickly):
Open your hair and let it down
As gentle as water flushes the sand
With musk, perfume and incense
It guides me
To enchanted kingdom.
(Hisham Ali Hafi)

A touch of saffron is knitting trough the senses
Her fragrance still spreads out
Musk flows from her locks,
as the bag opens,
Rises up as seduction, scarcely to resist.
(Alqamah bin Abdah)

Seems very flattering to me  ;)

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